
Showing posts with label devops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label devops. Show all posts
January 17, 2024

Installing Keycloak on Kubernetes: A Comprehensive Tutorial


In the ever-evolving landscape of application security, Keycloak emerges as a beacon of reliability. This article dives into the realm of Keycloak, exploring its capabilities and guiding you through the essentials. Brace yourself for a journey into the heart of robust authentication and authorization.

Understanding Keycloak

At its core, Keycloak is an open-source identity and access management solution. Developed by Red Hat, it empowers developers to secure their applications with ease. The beauty of Keycloak lies in its flexibility—it seamlessly integrates with various platforms, making it a versatile choice for authentication and authorization needs.

Key Features that Make Keycloak Shine

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Bid farewell to the hassle of remembering multiple passwords. Keycloak introduces a Single Sign-On (SSO) experience, allowing users to access multiple applications with just one set of credentials. Say hello to convenience and goodbye to password fatigue.

User Federation

Keycloak opens the door to user federation, enabling seamless integration with existing user databases. Whether it's LDAP, Active Directory, or social media logins, Keycloak harmonizes diverse user sources under one roof.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

In a world where security is paramount, Keycloak steps up with Multi-Factor Authentication. Add an extra layer of protection by incorporating factors like SMS, email, or authentication apps. Your fortress just got stronger.

Authorization Services

Fine-tune access control with Keycloak's robust authorization services. Define policies, manage roles, and ensure that users have precisely the right level of access. Security tailored to your application's needs.

The Keycloak Installation Ballet on Kubernetes

Prerequisites: Setting the Stage

Before you dance with Keycloak on Kubernetes, ensure your stage is set. Check Kubernetes compatibility, create a dedicated namespace, and establish persistent storage. A well-prepared stage ensures a flawless performance.

Step-by-Step Deployment with Helm

Enter Helm, the virtuoso of Kubernetes deployment. Learn the steps to deploy Keycloak effortlessly using Helm charts. It's a symphony of simplicity that transforms installation into an art.

Configuring Realms and Clients

Now that Keycloak graces your Kubernetes ensemble, it's time to tailor its performance. Dive into configuring realms and clients, molding Keycloak to fit your application's unique contours.

Fortifying Security

No ballet is complete without a strong finale. Explore the best practices for securing your Keycloak installation—configure SSL, implement robust authentication, and fortify authorization mechanisms.

Troubleshooting Pas de Deux

Even the most graceful ballet encounters hiccups. Navigate through common issues like database connection glitches and configuration snags. Transform challenges into a dance of triumph.

Conclusion: Applause for a Secure Future

Congratulations! You've waltzed through the installation of Keycloak on Kubernetes. With Keycloak as your partner, step into a future where security is not just a feature but a masterpiece.

FAQs: Unveiling Keycloak's Secrets

  1. Can Keycloak integrate with various user databases?
    Absolutely! Keycloak's user federation capabilities harmonize diverse user sources seamlessly.

  2. Why is Multi-Factor Authentication crucial in Keycloak?
    MFA adds an extra layer of security, fortifying your fortress against potential threats.

  3. How does Keycloak simplify access control?
    Keycloak's authorization services allow you to define precise policies, ensuring tailored access for users.

  4. Is Keycloak compatible with Kubernetes?
    Indeed! Ensure a smooth performance by checking Kubernetes compatibility before installation.

  5. What are the prerequisites for Keycloak installation on Kubernetes?
    Prepare your stage by checking compatibility, creating a namespace, and setting up persistent storage.

Dive into the world of Keycloak—an orchestra of security, simplicity, and versatility. Install Keycloak now and step into a future where authentication and authorization are not just features but an art.

January 13, 2024

Building a CI/CD pipeline for a Node.js app with Docker and Jenkins

So, you've got this fantastic Node.js app, and now you're thinking, "How can I make the development and deployment process smoother than a freshly paved road?" Well, my friend, the answer lies in creating a robust CI/CD pipeline using Docker and Jenkins. Buckle up, because we're about to embark on a journey of automation and efficiency!

Learn how to build a comprehensive CI/CD pipeline for your Node.js application using Docker and Jenkins. This guide provides step-by-step instructions

What's CI/CD, Anyway?

Before we dive in, let's quickly chat about CI/CD. CI stands for Continuous Integration, where code changes from multiple contributors are automatically merged into a shared repository. CD, on the other hand, expands to Continuous Delivery or Continuous Deployment, ensuring that your code is always in a deployable state.

Step 1: Setting Up Jenkins

First things first, let's get Jenkins up and running. Install Jenkins on your server, and don't forget to grab some coffee while you wait. Once Jenkins is installed, access the web interface and set up your pipelines. you can see the guide install jenkins

Articel related : Setup Jenkins on Kubernetes

Step 2: Dockerizing Your Node.js App

Time to containerize! Create a Dockerfile for your Node.js app, specifying the base image, dependencies, and commands to run your app. Docker makes your app independent of the environment, ensuring consistency across different stages of your pipeline.

Articel related : How to Setup Docker Containers as Build Agents for Jenkins

Create a Docker file for apps dockerized

FROM node:latest
ADD . .
RUN npm install
CMD ["node", "index.js"]

Here, I use my project  github link  :  node-dockerized-projects 

Step 3: Jenkins Pipeline Configuration

Now, let's tell Jenkins what to do. Create a Jenkinsfile in your project repository, defining the stages of your pipeline. This file will be your guiding light for Jenkins, ensuring it knows how to build, test, and deploy your app.

In a Jenkins pipeline, Groovy code is typically defined in a Jenkins file, which is a text file containing the pipeline definition. Jenkins files are written in the Groovy programming language and are used to define stages, phases, and other components of a process.

There are many stages checkout, test,build, build image, docker push to docker hub and docker run

1. Stage CheckOut

In a jenkins pipelines the checkout stage is stage use fetch form version control system (SCM).SCM. Here, i use Github as my version control system ( SCM).

In pipelines, in the agent section, you can specify the agent node. If you're using a remote Docker host to deploy a Node.js application, you can refer to the guide on adding a Docker agent in Jenkins. Like the slave-devopsgol

pipeline {
    agent {
           label 'slave-devopsgol'
                checkout scm

2. Stage Test

In Jenkins pipelines, the testing stages include installing npm packages for requirements.

                sh 'sudo apt install npm -y'
                sh 'npm test'
3. Stage Build NPM 

In the build stage of NPM, it runs Node.js apps using the command npm run build.

        stage("Build NPM"){
                sh 'npm run build'
4. Stage  Build Image 
In a Jenkins pipeline, the "Build" step is typically the first one, responsible for generating the source code.

The "Build" step can encompass all the necessary actions to compile the code, package it in a usable format, and perform other required preparation tasks.

        stage("Build Image"){
                sh 'sudo docker build -t my-node-app:latest .'
5.  Stage Build  Push to docker hub

In the stages section, "Build push to docker hub" carries out the task of pushing the generated Docker image from the Build Image stage to Docker Hub.

        stage('Docker Build Push to DockerHub') {
            steps {
                withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'docker_cred', passwordVariable: 'DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'DOCKERHUB_USERNAME')]) {
                    sh 'sudo docker login -u $DOCKERHUB_USERNAME -p $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD'
                    sh 'sudo docker tag my-node-app:latest adinugroho251/my-node-app:latest'
                    sh 'sudo docker push adinugroho251/my-node-app:latest'
                    sh 'sudo docker logout'
6. Stage  Docker run

In the "docker run" stage, it runs the container that has been pushed to Docker Hub, using port 3000 as the exposed port according to the Dockerfile.

      stage('Docker RUN') {
          steps {
           sh 'sudo docker run -d -p 3000 --name deploy-apps-nodejs-devopsgol-test-successfully  adinugroho251/my-node-app:latest'

Complete Pipelines Jenkinsfile

Details for a jenkinsfile deploy application simple nodejs. Sure, I can certainly check out the source code on the GitHub link you provided :

pipeline {
    agent {
           label 'slave-devopsgol'
                checkout scm

                sh 'sudo apt install npm -y'
                sh 'npm test'

                sh 'npm run build'

        stage("Build Image"){
                sh 'sudo docker build -t my-node-app:latest .'
        stage('Docker Push') {
            steps {
                withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'docker_cred', passwordVariable: 'DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'DOCKERHUB_USERNAME')]) {
                    sh 'sudo docker login -u $DOCKERHUB_USERNAME -p $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD'
                    sh 'sudo docker tag my-node-app:latest adinugroho251/my-node-app:latest'
                    sh 'sudo docker push adinugroho251/my-node-app:latest'
                    sh 'sudo docker logout'

      stage('Docker RUN') {
          steps {
           sh 'sudo docker run -d -p 3000 --name deploy-apps-nodejs-devopsgol  adinugroho251/my-node-app:latest'

Step 4: Docker Registry Credentials

To push your Docker image to a registry, you'll need credentials. In Jenkins, go to "Manage Jenkins" > "Manage Credentials" > "Jenkins" > "Global credentials" and add your Docker Hub or any other registry credentials.

To push your Docker image to a registry, you'll need credentials.


Step 5: Run Your Pipeline in jenkins

Once you've finished generating the Dockerfile and Jenkinsfile steps, now you can create job pipelines to execute that Jenkinsfile.

Create a job with the type "Pipeline."

Create a job with the type "Pipeline."

To enable auto-deployments, whenever a developer makes the last commits on GitHub, Jenkins will automatically trigger the build in the specified job.

To enable auto-deployments, whenever a developer makes the last commits on GitHub, Jenkins will automatically trigger the build in the specified job.
In the Pipelines section, input your GitHub project link and save the changes. Apply the settings afterward.

In the Pipelines section, input your GitHub project link and save the changes. Apply the settings afterward.
Click build now

Build Now
Alhamdulilah Sucessfully Deploy Application Node.js with docker using Jenkins

Well's running container for docker remote host and test curl port apps node.js is running well's

# docker ps  -a  | grep deploy-apps-nodejs-devopsgol-test-successfully
511915f0e75f   adinugroho251/my-node-app:latest              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute>3000/tcp, :::33052->3000/tcp                                            deploy-apps-nodejs-devopsgol-test-successfully
# curl
Hello World!


It's showtime! Trigger your Jenkins pipeline and watch the magic happen. Jenkins will fetch your code, build, test, and deploy it in a seamless flow. Sit back and enjoy the automation symphony!

Congratulations, you've just built a CI/CD pipeline for your Node.js app using Docker and Jenkins. Now, every code change will go through this automated process, ensuring reliability and speed in your development lifecycle. Happy coding! 🚀